Results for 'William Vandervort Rowe'

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  1.  31
    Richard F. Grabau 1926-1980.William L. McBride, William L. Rowe & Calvin O. Schrag - 1981 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 54 (3):336 - 337.
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    William L. Rowe on Philosophy of Religion: Selected Writings.William L. Rowe & Nick Trakakis - 2007 - Routledge.
    The present collection brings together for the first time Rowe's most significant contributions to the philosophy of religion. This diverse but representative selection of Rowe's writings will provide students, professional scholars as well as general readers with stimulating and accessible discussions on such topics as the philosophical theology of Paul Tillich, the problem of evil, divine freedom, arguments for the existence of God, religious experience, life after death, and religious pluralism.
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  3. (2 other versions)Can God Be Free?William L. Rowe - 2002 - Faith and Philosophy 19 (4):405-424.
    Can God Be Free? is a penetrating study of a central problem in philosophy of religion: can it be right to regard God as free, and as praiseworthy for being perfectly good? Allowing that he has perfect knowledge and perfect goodness, if there is a best world for God to create he would have no choice other than to create it. But if God could not do otherwise than create the best world, he created the world of necessity, not freely, (...)
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  4. (1 other version)The Problem of Evil and Some Varieties of Atheism.William L. Rowe - 1979 - American Philosophical Quarterly 16 (4):335 - 341.
  5. The Metaphysics of Free Will.William L. Rowe - 1996 - Religious Studies 32 (1):129-131.
  6. (1 other version)Two concepts of freedom.William Rowe - 1987 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 61 (September):43-64.
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    Response to Almeida.William Rowe - 2006 - Philosophical Papers 35 (1):27-28.
  8. 6. Evil and Theodicy.William Rowe - 1988 - Philosophical Topics 16 (2):119-132.
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  9. The evidential argument from evil: A second look.William Rowe - 1996 - In Daniel Howard-Snyder, The Evidential Argument from Evil. Indiana University Press. pp. 262--85.
  10. Friendly Atheism, Skeptical Theism, and the Problem of Evil.William L. Rowe - 2006 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 59 (2):79-92.
  11. Philosophy of Religion: An Introduction.William L. Rowe - 1979 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (3):204-204.
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    The common sense of the exact sciences.William Kingdon Clifford, Karl Pearson & Richard Charles Rowe - 1946 - New York,: A.A. Knopf. Edited by Karl Pearson & James R. Newman.
    "Clifford was famous for his public lectures on physics and math and ethics because he explained complex things with easily understood, concrete examples. As you read through his clear, simple explanations of the true bases of number, algebra and geometry you will find yourself getting angry and saying "Why the hell wasn't I taught math this way?" and "Do math ed professors know so little mathematics that they have never heard of Clifford.?" Clifford was destined to be England's Einstein until (...)
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  13. Circular Explanations, Cosmological Arguments, and Sufficient Reasons.William Rowe - 1997 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 21 (1):188-201.
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    Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings.William L. Rowe & William J. Wainwright (eds.) - 1998 - Oup Usa.
    An accessible introduction to the topic with essays covering religious pluralism, teleological and moral arguments for God's existence, and the problem of evil.
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    Skeptical theism: A response to Bergmann.William Rowe - 2001 - Noûs 35 (2):297–303.
  16. The fallacy of composition.William L. Rowe - 1962 - Mind 71 (281):87-92.
  17. The Problem of No Best World.William L. Rowe - 1994 - Faith and Philosophy 11 (2):269-271.
  18. Tolerance.William Rowe - 1930 - The Philosopher 8.
  19. The cosmological argument and the principle of sufficient reason.William L. Rowe - 1968 - Man and World 1 (2):278-292.
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  20. Religious experience and the principle of credulity.William L. Rowe - 1982 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 13 (2):85-92.
  21. (1 other version)Two Criticisms of the Cosmological Argument.William L. Rowe - 1970 - The Monist 54 (3):441-459.
    In this paper I wish to consider two major criticisms that have been advanced against the Cosmological Argument for the existence of God, criticisms which many philosophers regard as constituting a decisive refutation of that argument. Before stating and examining these objections it will be helpful to have before us a version of the Cosmological Argument The Cosmological Argument has two distinct parts. The first part is an argument to establish the existence of a necessary being. The second part is (...)
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  22. Free Will, Moral Responsibility, and the Problem of “OOMPH”.William L. Rowe - 2006 - The Journal of Ethics 10 (3):295-313.
    Thomas Reid developed an important theory of freedom and moral responsibility resting on the concept of agent-causation, by which he meant the power of a rational agent to cause or not cause a volition resulting in an action. He held that this power is limited in that occasions occur when one's emotions or other forces may preclude its exercise. John Martin Fischer has raised an objection – the not enough ‘Oomph’ objection – against any incompatibilist account of freedom and moral (...)
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  23. Religious pluralism.William L. Rowe - 1999 - Religious Studies 35 (2):139-150.
    According to religious pluralism, the profound differences among the chief objects of adoration in the great religious traditions are largely due to the different ways in which a single transcendent reality is experienced and conceived in human life. The most prominent developer and defender of religious pluralism in the twentieth century is John Hick. Hick uses the expression ‘the Real’ to designate the transcendent reality ‘authentically experienced’ as the different gods and impersonal absolutes worshipped in the major religious traditions. A (...)
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  24. Alvin Plantinga on the ontological argument.William L. Rowe - 2009 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 65 (2):87 - 92.
    By taking ‘existence in reality’ to be a great-making property and ‘God’ to be the greatest possible being, Plantinga skillfully presents Anselm’s ontological argument. However, since he proves God’s existence by virtue of a premise, “God (a maximally great being) is a possible being”, that is true only if God actually exists; his argument begs the question of the existence of God.
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    Can God Be Free?William L. Rowe - 2003 - Clarendon Press.
    Can God Be Free? is a penetrating study of a central problem in philosophy of religion: can it be right to regard God as free, and as praiseworthy for being perfectly good? Allowing that he has perfect knowledge and perfect goodness, if there is a best world for God to create he would have no choice other than to create it. But if God could not do otherwise than create the best world, he created the world of necessity, not freely, (...)
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    Time and Change.James Frederick William Rowe - 2017 - Philosophical Forum 48 (2):201-213.
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  27. Augustine on Foreknowledge and Free Will.William L. Rowe - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (2):356 - 363.
    The problem, as Augustine sees it, is to show how it is possible both that we voluntary will to perform certain actions and that God foreknows that we shall will to perform these actions. The argument which gives rise to this problem may be expressed as follows.
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    Neurophysiological laws and purposive principles.William L. Rowe - 1971 - Philosophical Review 80 (October):502-508.
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    Summary.William L. Rowe - 2007 - Philosophical Books 48 (3):193-194.
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    Replies.William L. Rowe - 2007 - Philosophical Books 48 (3):217-220.
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  31. Does panentheism reduce to pantheism? A response to Craig.William Rowe - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 61 (2):65 - 67.
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    God and other minds.William L. Rowe - 1969 - Noûs 3 (3):259-284.
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  33. (1 other version)Rationalistic theology and some principles of explanation.William L. Rowe - 1983 - Noûs 17 (1):74.
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  34. The ontological argument and question-begging.William L. Rowe - 1976 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (4):425 - 432.
  35.  82
    (1 other version)Responsibility, agent-causation, and freedom: An eighteenth-century view.William L. Rowe - 1991 - Ethics 101 (2):237-257.
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    Replies to Critics.William Rowe - 2005 - Philo 8 (1):47-54.
    In this paper I respond to criticisms of the book Can God Be Free? set forth by Bruce Russell, William Wainwright, Klaas Kraay, and Michael Almeida.
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    Thomas Reid on freedom and morality.William L. Rowe - 1991 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Background: Locke's Conception of Freedom For how can we think any one freer than to have the power to do what we will. — John Locke n his chapter on power ...
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    Mystic Union: an Essay in the Phenomenology of Mysticism.William L. Rowe - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (180):375-377.
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  39. Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science: History and Philosophy of Modern Mathematics, Vol. XI.William Aspray, Philip Kitcher, David E. Rowe & John Mccleary - 1993 - Synthese 96 (2):293-331.
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    Critical study: Harnack and hellenization in the early church.William Rowe - 1992 - Philosophia Reformata 57 (1):78-85.
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    Reid’s Conception of Human Freedom.William L. Rowe - 1987 - The Monist 70 (4):430-441.
    During the 19th-century controversy over human freedom, a controversy involving such figures as Locke, Collins, Clarke, Leibniz, Price, and Reid, two different conceptions of freedom were at the center of the dispute. The first of these, of which John Locke is a major advocate, I will call Lockean freedom, the other conception, of which Thomas Reid is the leading advocate, I will call Reidian freedom. The history of this controversy is fundamentally a dispute over which of these two concepts of (...)
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    Tillich’s Theory of Signs and Symbols.William L. Rowe - 1966 - The Monist 50 (4):593-610.
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  43. (7 other versions)The cosmological argument.William L. Rowe - 1971 - Noûs 5 (1):49-61.
  44. Self-Existence and the Cosmological Argument.William L. Rowe - 1983 - Analysis 43 (1):61 - 62.
    This paper concerns the question of whether the principle of sufficient reason (every positive fact has an explanation) entails a crucial premise in the cosmological argument. The premise is: not every being can be a dependent being. (a dependent being is a being whose existence is accounted for by the causal activity of other things). It has been objected that in addition to psr we need the claim that a self-Existent being is possible. I discuss this objection and argue that (...)
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  45. Philosophy of religion: an introduction.William L. Rowe - 2001 - Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
    The book falls into four segments. In the first (Chapter 1), the particular conception of deity that has been predominant in western civilization—the theistic idea of God—is explicated and distinguished from several other notions of the divine. The second segment considers the major reasons that have been advanced in support of the belief that the theistic God exists. In chapters 2 through 4 the three major arguments for the existence of God are discussed, arguments which appeal to facts supposedly available (...)
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  46. Ruminations about evil.William L. Rowe - 1991 - Philosophical Perspectives 5:69-88.
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  47. C. B. Martin's Contradiction in Theology.William L. Rowe - 1962 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 40:75.
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    Essence, Ground, and First Philosophy in Hegel’s Science of Logic.William V. Rowe - 1986 - The Owl of Minerva 18 (1):43-56.
    Every thinker is related to the history of thought, but investigating this relationship is not always interesting or even profitable. In the case of Hegel, however, the philosopher’s relationship to the history of thought is one of the chief things that recommends his philosophy as a subject of study. But what makes Hegel interesting also makes him difficult, for Hegel was acutely conscious of his relation to the tradition. Perhaps Hegel had a broader and deeper awareness of this relationship than (...)
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  49. Paul Tillich.William L. Rowe - 2009 - In Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis, Medieval Philosophy of Religion: The History of Western Philosophy of Religion, Volume 2. Routledge. pp. 5--133.
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    God and Timelessness.William L. Rowe - 1972 - Philosophical Review 81 (3):372.
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